Statistics for M.L and D.S Vol-2: In this article, we are going to discuss some more about statistical concepts which are applied for Machine Learning(M.L) and Data Science(D.S). In the last article, we talked about some basic concepts like measures of central tendency, Inter-Quartile range, Data Matrix, Cases and Variables, some shapes of distributions. Now, we are going to cover some more concepts like Z-Score, Standard Deviation, Variance, Correlation, Regression. As i told you before, this all terminologies will help you to understand what is Data Science and Machine learning. So without wasting any time, let's move forward. ***Important note-> My coding or say python environment is the jupyter notebook, you are free to use any other environment but I'll always prefer jupyter over others. Here's the link of the first article: Statistics for M.L and D.S Vol-1 Standard Deviation and Variance: As we have seen in the last article, two measures of Variabili...